Satyrinae of the Western Palearctic

Hipparchia autonoe (Esper, 1783)

Type locality: Unknown

Range: From SE. Europe and the N. Caucasus across S. Siberia to the Amur region, N. China and Korea.

Habitat: Steppe and semi-desert habitats in mountains and at foothills, dry steppes in valleys and subalpine meadows up to 3,000 mtrs

Flight Period: June to August


ssp. maxima Bang Haas, 1933 - Central Asia, China;

ssp. orchomenus (Fruhstorfer, 1911) - N. and Inner Tian-Shan, Dzhungarsky Alatau, Tarbagatai, the Saur Mts., Kyrgyzstan;

ssp. sibirica (Staudinger, 1861) - the Altai, S. Siberia, Transbaikalia, the Amur region.

ssp. autonoe

Hipparchia autonoe maxima

ssp. maxima

Hipparchia autonoe orchomenus

ssp. orchomenus

Hipparchia autonoe sibirica

ssp. sibirica

ssp. autonoe

Hipparchia autonoe maxima

ssp. maxima

Hipparchia autonoe orchomenus

ssp. orchomenus

Hipparchia autonoe sibirica

ssp. sibirica

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